Food testing has become necessary in recent times. The purity and quality of food and various eligible items are tested before it is reached to the consumers. There are many kinds of food testing services are made according to food products. The test results and certificates are important for food manufacturers and suppliers, hotels and restaurants, bakeries, caterers, hospitals & clinics, educational institutions. Nutritional labeling and shelf-life study, and are tested chemical, microbiological and mechanical testing. According to various products, the tests are been conducted.
Milk & dairy products: they are tested micros contaminated, cheese, curd, buttermilk, and ice creams.
Fruits and vegetables: they are tested to ensure the optimal taste and to ensure the absence of harmful pesticides.
Oils and fats: they are tested to ensure purity.
Meat products and fish products: quality and purity are been tested, the freshness of fish is been tested from the catch and till to the table.
Staple and packed foods: for government and for food business purposes it is necessary to test the shelf life period for packed foods and staples.
Water: even water quality testing is been done to check micro bacterial or chemicals added.
Fast foods are becoming necessary for testing as it might end up in infection for the consumers, some companies may add chemical which might be harmful to the consumers, it is important to check if the levels of preservatives are added. Food testing laboratories in Chennai help to detect and provides dependable results.
These testing and food analysis lab in Chennai helps the food industry to launch any new food product. Shelf life study and quality are been important in order to avoid complaints from the consumers.
Food research labs in Chennai give the test results very accurate and is dependable. They have the latest technology equipment and well-versed staff to create long-lasting and quality foods.
The food safety inspection checks food quality in Chennai helps to evaluate hygiene and safety and facilities in the kitchen as per the requirements of FSSAI. Audits are been done in many catering restaurants and food industries according to the needs of the client.
SFTS in Chennai also helps to establish good hygiene and catering practices.